Top 10 Australian Pharmacy Searches on Storbie in 2021
Majority of consumers start their customer journey with an online search, and the health sector is no different. But what are your customers looking for online? Check out the top 10 Australian pharmacy searches for 2021!
When it comes to working out what your customers are after, or more importantly, what products are in hot demand, there is no better place to start than by checking what is actively being searched.
Luckily for you, we have collated a list of the top 10 searches we have seen across our Australian Pharmacy Solution in 2021. These are genuine search results that we have collected from all activity across our Australian pharmacy websites.
Top 10 Pharmacy Searches on Storbie in 2021:
Face mask
Pregnancy test
Vitamin D
Blood pressure monitor
Aside from the increases due to the pandemic, for Face Mask and Thermometer (and potentially some others...) there are probably some queries that you might not have expected to see.
The searches your customers perform are going to constantly change with the seasons, and while it cannot be predicted, it’s undeniable that the importance of being online is increasing with each passing month. These pharmacies are likely in very similar positions to all community pharmacies around Australia, so why not get in on the action?
By creating a website that is integrated with Google Analytics, you will not only be present to make the most of the opportunities shown above, but you will also be able to actively track it's performance and better capitalise on opportunities as they arise.
If you’re looking to evaluate these searches a little further, think about how many of these products you stock? Are they advertised online? And if so, are they easily discoverable?
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